Today was one of those days when you are brought to your knees....where you cry big, fat crocodile tears because you are overwhelmed by God's faithfulness.
We have entered a new season of life having 2 in elementary, 1 in middle school and 1 in high school. Trying to keep up with the new schedules, school folders, band, cross country and more sometimes has my head spinning. I often find myself worrying about how things will get done for our Uganda ministry. It takes me forever to respond to emails....I forget to "do" things...the list goes on.
But, God is faithful and even with my abundance of short comings....His will gets done.
Today we were blessed to pick up 10 boxes of school curriculum for Uganda. A gal from our church "just happened" to see a dumpster loaded with discarded curriculum. She contacted the school and asked if she could have it and they said yes! Interestingly enough....this was BEFORE any of the funds were raise for Bibbo school. Man I love how God does things. So today, I finally got around to getting over there. We were blown away by the material and I know it will be a tremendous blessing in Uganda.
Then I came home and got back to work. I heard a "ding" from my ipad and went into the other room to see what had popped up. My cell phone was sitting next to it charging (which is always on silent) and a text message popped up that said "Project HOPEFUL just received a $5000 donation for Uganda". My knees literally went weak. And then the tears fell. In the past month, we have received $6000 toward staff salaries. We need $15,000 for one year to employ all the staff at St. John medical clinic in Uganda. Since June, we have received $12,200 toward staff salaries! How awesome is our God?
A team of 6 of us will be leaving in 2 weeks for Uganda. We will visit Bibbo school, the medical clinic and our HOPE+ sisters. We will also meet with Sole HOPE to work out the details of the shoe project for the children at Bibbo school. We would love your prayers for safe travels, good health and most importantly that we follow the Lords leading in all that we do while we are there.
In Christ,