Tuesday, June 25, 2013

God's provision.....

God continually knocks our socks off with the way He has provided for the needs in Mukono, Uganda.  God has also shown us just how much HE is in control.  There have been many nights when I have lost sleep trying to figure out how "I" was going to do this or how "We" were going to do that.  What God has faithfully shown us is that all He needs is obedience.  We don't really have to "Do" anything.

When Richard visited in May, I felt God pressing 2 things on my heart....staff salaries at the medical clinic and Ultrasound machine.  Logically...it just made sense for the ultrasound machine because it would produce income for the clinic, but more than that, I felt a personal commitment to it.  But, with school coming to an end, vacations, children at home, etc.....there simply wasn't time to work out the details.  The only thing I could find the time to do was create the blog and share it.  And that was all God needed from me.

This morning, I am happy to share with you that we have just about 1/2 of what we need for staff salaries for the year....$7400.  PRAISE GOD!  The Spirit is moving and I believe the full $15,000 will be raised.

But...that isn't all.  I called Richard to share the news with him.  He was so excited and could barely speak.  We didn't speak about the ultrasound machine because honestly....I didn't feel like I had the bandwidth to do a fundraiser right now.  Before we hung up, he told me they had a small...yet urgent need.  5 women in the community are due to deliver in the next month or so and they really need a gynecological bed.  The cost is $350.  Believing this was absolutely doable, I said we could raise the funds.  I knew I could carve out the time to do a fundraiser for this small amount.  I shared with Project HOPEFUL the  need, asked if we could pull together a fundraiser and received a "YES!  GO! GO! GO!  So, we began posting on Facebook and the donations started coming in.  But then a received an email that I was NOT expecting.  In a nutshell, it said this:


Say WHAT??  I wasn't even working on that!  HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???

Praise the Lord!!!  I love it when God just shows up and shows off!  Did the bed get paid for?  Yes, of course it did....because He is faithful!

So, I had the honor of calling Richard back and it went something like this:

Me:  "Richard....the bed is paid for!"
Richard: "Praise be to God Dawn, this is wonderful news"
Me: "Oh...and one other little thing.  The ultrasound machine is also paid for"
Richard:  "What?  You are joking with me Dawn.  Are you serious?  I am falling off my chair.  Praise be to God...Praise be to God!"

I have been completely humbled today.  Seeing God's word lived out is something that will always bring me to my knees.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? - Matthew 6:26

There are still MANY needs in Mukono and much work to be done.  We are making a commitment to keeping ya'll updated and will do so through the blog and email. We would love to continue to grow and build this ministry.  If you have friend or family who have a heart for Africa ministries, please share Genda Uganda with them.

In Christ,

Monday, June 17, 2013


$15,000 is a lot of money.  It can purchase a car.  It could be a down payment on a home.  But, in Uganda....it can pay salaries for an entire medical staff for one year....multiple doctors, nurses and administrators.  An entire year.

Through the generous people of Grace Covenant church, God raised up $40,000 to build St. John medical clinic in Mukono, Uganda.  There is a detailed plan on sustainability, but that takes time.  Until that happens (which we believe will take one year) God planted a seed for "staff sponsorships".  We are so excited that Project HOPEFUL has said YES to partnering on this and all donations will be TAX-DEDUCTIBLE!  Please pray about this opportunity and if you feel led to partner on this, you can use the links below to sign up.

Sponsorship options

Already, we are hearing reports of people giving their lives to Christ as they receive care at the clinic.  Faith comes through hearing donated Proclaimers which the clinic plays throughout the day.  This is so exciting!  We look forward to seeing all that God has planned in Uganda.


How did we get here?

Thank you for visiting Genda Uganda!  Genda means "Go" in Luganda. Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, set forth the purpose of every Christian with His command and commission, to "Go and make disciples..." in Matthew 28:19. The term "go" isn't limited to mission trips and far away lands, it is a lifestyle of discipleship regardless of location. We are called to make disciples at home in Austin, Tx just as equally as where ever the Lord sends us around the world; it just happens that He has sent us to Uganda to partner with Him and the local church in this ministry. So we joyfully "Genda Uganda" and see that every ministry that we do is centered on making disciples of Christ Jesus, whether by strengthening the church, supporting a medical clinic, or visiting and ministering to orphans and widows, it is all discipleship!

Before we do anything else, we thought it was really important to share, in a brief summary, how we got here.

*  May 2nd, 2010 - While preparing to travel to Ethiopia for our 1st mission trip, we met a gentleman named Richard from Uganda.  He saw the jewelry I was making to raise funds for the orphans in Ethiopia using paper beads and told me his father had a ministry where women made these beads.

*  June 2010 - Receive email from Richard saying "when" you come to Uganda, you can stay in my fathers home to which I kindly reply, "I am not planning to come to Uganda as I am involved in Ethiopia ministries but thank you"

*  January 2011 - Two women board a plane, travel across the world to go to a country they've never been to to stay at the home of people they've never met.  Lives forever changed.

*  February 2011 - God puts adoption on our heart

*  July 15th 2011 - We say YES to adoption but immediately panic.  Uganda requires an inquiry trip.  How on earth would we afford to get there?

*  July 22nd 2011 - Samaritans purse calls and asks if I would escort a mama and her baby who had heart surgery here in Austin home to Uganda....all expenses paid.  You can read more details on that here.

*  January 10th 2012 - find out about our son, Joseph

*  March 2012 - Receive an email from Richard about building St. John medical clinic in Mukono

*  April 2012 - travel back to Uganda to see grounds for clinic and hear plans.  God puts widow sponsorship on my heart after meeting 24 HIV+ mamas

*  May 2012 - Richard travels to US and God raises $40,000 in one week to build St. Johns medical clinic

* Memorial day 2012 - We receive court date to go get Joseph

* June 29th 2012 - We meet Joseph for the first time


* July 5th 2012 - Ground breaking ceremony for St. John's medical clinic

*  August 8th 2012 - Receive embassy approval to take Joseph home

*August 13th 2012 - begin our journey home.  As we head out we visit clinic one last time.

* January 9th 2013 - Travel to Uganda to launch the HOPE+ sisterhood Uganda with Project HOPEFUL.  Within 2 weeks, God provides sisters for 36 HIV+ widows in Uganda!

* April 2013 - John travels to Uganda with a team consisting of Pastor Tom Sanchez, his brother Steve Sanchez, Dr. Peter Hines and our faithful brother from China, Patrick Smith. Collectively the team ministered through pastor and family conferences, assessing the current operations and attending the grand opening of St. John medical clinic in Mukono, along with touring Victor's Christian School and the True Vine Ministries operations throughout the rural areas of Mukono and handing out Proclaimers from Faith Come By Hearing ministries for the advancement of the Gospel.

* May 2013 - Richard travels to US again and God gives us the name for this ministry....Genda Uganda.

And the journey continues..........